Calgary New Member Orientation
Friday May 8th 6:00 – 8:00pm at The Elks Golf Club in the Majestic Ballroom. This is an opportunity to meet us and the people you will be golfing with. We will review the policies and procedures so that you know how to book your golf and can really enjoy your time in our leagues and lessons. There are resources in the member area of the website that we will also orientate you to. Refreshments will be available and a cash bar. Please let us know you will be attending and we look forward to meeting you.
Edmonton Orientation & Social
Monday April 27 6:00 – 8:00pm at Jagare Ridge Golf Club. This is a great opportunity for us to meet the new members and for all of us to meet and/or reconnect. I will introduce the Edmonton Golfaround Team, tell you a little about Golfaround, review how you will book your golf this season and explain how the lessons will be managed. There are resources in the member area of the website that we will also orientate you to. Refreshments will be available and a cash bar. Please let us know you will be attending and we look forward to meeting you.