The weather gods smiled once again and provided 64 Edmonton Day, Evening and Beginner ladies with 21 deg temps and even cleared the smoke from the skies. Clan members, attired in their finest highland attire were given three games to mess with their scores during their round, including the Loch Ness Poop Challenge and Move Yer Arse Agnus. In keeping with the Ode to Scotland theme, $174.30 was collected in the Curse Cups placed in each golf cart. That’s approximately 10 curses per clan, although some cups were noticeably heavier than others! The 50/50 draw was won by Trish Clare who will be using her $165 to pay for some fall golf. Winners: Kim Tynacity for Closest to the Pin; Miala Evans for Longest Drive AND Ball in Creek, Lesley Mitchell for Ball in the Sand, Ellen Frombach for Closest to the Target and Hiliary Propp (guest of Lyn Propp) for Longest Putt. Clan MacEwan (Lorna Farkas, Karmelita Tolpolski, Jennifer Dowdle and Therese Kehler) won Highest Score. Clan MacKenzie (Paige Nelson, Joan Miller, Joey Matwychuk and Michelle Orgill) won Most Honest Score. Best dressed was Lesley Lambert. Although Honourable Mention must go to Lorna Farkas who scoured fabric stores for just the right tartan and made herself shorts, a tam and scarf. Tyler Rumpel, Head Professional and Food and Beverage Manager at Jagare Ridge provided us all with hats and a most excellent meal. Who knew gluten free pasta could taste so yummy! In all $339.30 was donated to YESS.
Patti Daye Edmonton Coordinator