Pre-Game Warm-up
Do you race to the course and barely have enough time to tie your shoes at he first hole before teeing off? It’s difficult to start off well without a proper warm-up. If you only have a couple of minutes to warm up never take your driver out and swing as hard as you can. This will promote quickness, which can lead to bad things off the first tee. Plan to get to the course early enough to do a little stretching if nothing else. If you can hit the range hit a few chip shots and short wedges to establish a good tempo.
We get a general body warm up when we walk with our clubs from the parking lot to the golf shop, depending of course, upon the distance. The following routines will warm up the muscles specific to the golf swing, increase blood flow and prepare you for a full range of motion. In addition it will promote relaxation and fluidity. Golfing without some type of warm up can lead to muscle strain and injury.
Arm Swings 1. Stand tall and hold arms out to your side. 2. Slowly swing your arms back and forth across the front of your body. 3. Repeat this continuous motion for 30 seconds.
Trunk Rotations 1. Stand with a shoulder width stance. Place a club on your shoulders holding it at either end. 2. With knees slightly bent, bend forward from the waist slightly (as though adopting the swing posture). 3. Turn from side to side aiming to get the ends of the club directly in front of you with each turn. 4. Complete a total of 15-20 full swings.
Side Bends with Club 1. Stand with a shoulder width stance. Place a club on your shoulders. 2. Lean to one side keeping your torso straight. Do not bend forward or backwards. 3. Hold for a count of 2 and then repeat to the other side. 4. Complete 8-10 stretches each side.