The Swing Check
Many of us take our lessons early in the year and find our swing is broken in the middle of the season the reason we started offering a Swing Check in July. Feedback tells us The Elks & Cottonwood did a fabulous job, nothing is more satisfying than getting something figured out that makes us feel so much better about our game.
“I didn’t realize how bad my swing was and I didn’t realize how much I had forgotten since taking my lessons. Thank you so much for organizing the course and it was worth EVERY penny! At the end of the 1.5 hour session, I hit the ball with more air, distance, power and precision to my target. Stella Calgary
What Golfaround is About
We love to get the feedback to support why we started Golfaround. Learn and or improve our game, practice, play and the camaraderie that follows.
“Last night cooled off nicely and the Golfaround ladies kept the Lewis Estates servers busy till about 10 p.m. It was a beautiful evening and sitting on their patio, looking at the camaraderie happening was what I joined Golfaround for. I drove home with a stupid grin on my face” Patti Edmonton
The Cart from down under
Would I love to have a cart like this when I want to take a load off. We learned from Jason the Aussie Pro at Cottonwood that these carts are quite common in Australia, as the majority walk the golf courses instead of power carting.