Par Bears and Birdie Juice are par for the the course in the Edmonton Day league.
Understandably, the Day league ladies are a more relaxed group than the Evening and Beginner league members. They have the time to golf 18 holes, are not rushing from work to play golf and are not struggling to master the intricacies of the game. Thus, it seems, they become more inventive….
Par bears: The Day league ladies celebrate their pars by sharing par bears; at least one member of each team seems to carry this treat, made from soaking gummy bears in some sort of alcohol for anywhere from an hour to a week. Some refrigerate the container whilst soaking while others leave it on the counter. Is vodka better than almond tequila? More experiments are obviously needed!
Birdie juice: Another alcoholic beverage to celebrate the achievement of a birdie. This one is more simple but again, there does seem to be at least one member of each team that carries the supplies. Tiny plastic shot cups are presented, the ‘juice’ is poured out and the birdie is toasted.
Of course, being great Ready golfers, these celebrations are carried out at the next hole, not the hole the event occurred on.
Patti Daye Edmonton Coordinator