There was some great feedback from the members about the article “Don’t be a Slowpoke” and we have attempted to provide you with a summary of this:
Initially we got good vibes about the article:
I also really appreciate the specific directions regarding pace of play. Then as a player, I am able to refer to specific actions that we could or should be taking if we are getting too slow.
Thank you again for showing this leadership. It is part of the value of my membership and being part of Golfaround to have you provide this direction.
I appreciate all the tips you suggested and I hope that the players take it to heart so that the golf round doesn’t take more time than allotted.
I think that some players feel they have to hit every ball down the fairway no matter where it lands and on a long course like Fox Hollow it makes the game painfully slow.
If the group in front is golfing too slow and holding up the play what is your recommendation for the group following? There is not much that you can do as that is a player’s assistant (marshals) job and we are seeing less and less of them these days. My hope is that someone in the group recognizes they are falling behind and lets everyone know they have lost the group ahead and suggests catching them by picking up and/or playing best ball.
Thanks again for sending out this email with the positive suggestion on how to speed up the play.
Although I am not a great golfer, I learned to golf with a group of ladies who were experienced and so they taught me etiquette, but when I started there was so much I didn’t know. I always pick up my ball and throw it down so I maintain pace of place with them.
The following tips were reinforced:
- take your pull cart with you to your ball do not hit the ball and then end up walking back to get the cart.
- when chipping onto the green the pull cart is left at the front of the green (or earlier) and then when finished putting the player has to walk back and then all the way around to the back of the green. So take your cart to the side or back of the green so the players behind are not delayed waiting for the area around the green to be clear.
- it is often thought that riding a power cart will be faster, not always so. There is a skill to maneuvering the cart on the course. Too often we see players putting their club away and grabbing their next club right after they hit. One should get in the cart with their club and when at the next shot put our club away while the other player hits. Or when done putting get in the cart with the putter and move to next hole and mark score and put club away.
- often it is possible to drop one player off and then drive to the other players ball and/or park in the middle
- ball hunting is another thing that slows the play. I left 3 balls on the course last night so I wouldn’t slow the play down.
- taking three of four practice swings
- too much talking at tee off time
- waiting for the entire group to hit and then moving to their ball, (still move toward your ball but just make sure you are behind the person hitting,)
- standing on the green and recording your score, when you can record it at the next hole while you are waiting to tee off.
We also received comments regarding requests to play early and also groups of three and four in a tee time. It is never a problem to put two friends together however if a starter has to change this to keep things moving we do hope that people will be understanding and be willing to split up if need be.
“Thank you so much for this. In my 3rd year of Golfaround, I have met some really great women who I will invite to other golf rounds in the city. I really value the opportunity to meet new women which is tougher when too many are already matched and play always together.”
“Many of us want to play earlier for lots of reasons. I appreciate that you responded to that. I have never requested playing earlier and wondered if I should have been. Now I know that I did not need to.”
Thanks so much for your feedback and also for keeping the pace.