A couple of the girls up north, Jen and Robin, have something to brag about. They have set a goal for themselves by challenging each other while playing but also to rate the wine and food, what is more fun than that.
“I have met some fabulous women this year, and one in particular likes to make the golf night fun and challenging every week. It is Robin’s first year in Golfaround and my tenth. We have set a goal for each other to get either two pars or one birdie every round. We have also set out to find the best nachos Edmonton area golf courses can provide as well as the best wine selection. Because what goes better with nachos than red wine right? Stay tuned for the results later this summer. Golf at Legends was a spectacular evening and not just because of the perfect weather, great foursome and accompanying wine. Robin and I each attained our birdies, only my second one ever! To top it off, we also each got a par.” Happy golfing and warm greetings from Edmonton!!! Jen
Ravencrest Golf Course offered up a couple of very nice member bounces, both Michaela and Sunny hit their balls into the sand trap, the balls bounced up, hit the sloped wooden bunker side and landed on the green.
Calgary has something to boast about as well this month. Catherine Osadetz moment of brilliance happened on our Mystery Bus Trip – Lee Creek Golf Course in Cardston. We all teed off on the 6th hole, a sharp dogleg left, and took Catherine’s shot as it was on the fairway with a good view of the top of the blue flag. It was a well elevated green that was not visible from where we stood. We each took our 2nd shot and Catherine’s bounced on the left edge, missing the sand trap, and bounced on to the hidden green. As we all came on to the green we could only see 3 balls and quickly realized it was Catherine’s ball that was missing. It was in the hole!!! For a brilliant eagle on that tricky par 4!!! We celebrated a few holes later, when the event finally sunk in and Catherine scored another awesome hole, with a birdie, toasting with some birdie juice! That girl was on fire that day! After all the hooting and hollering, we finally realized that her great shots did the team no good at all because on par 4’s we only counted the 2 highest scores. Compliments of Keitha
Wendy in the Beginner league got 5 pars in her 9 hole round at Lakeview Par 3, four of which were in a row. She tells me she says to her husband “ I think I better quit” and I say no I think it is time for you to move up.
Marielle hit the 16th green from the very elevated tee box at Glen Eagles – awesome and very difficult shot to make. Last Wednesday at Shaganappi one of our new beginner golfers Jodi who was very nervous about playing as it was her first time out with the group, she got her very first par, good for you Jodi.