Thanksgving is on it’s way, but the sole purpose is really to be aware of what we are grateful for everyday in our lives. As humans we tend to take a lot for granted and some times it is easier to focus on what we don’t have rather than what we do have. Many of the things we have we may see as rights but in reality they are privileges. I am able to write this little blurb so I am literate and have been fortunate enough to have had an education and have the ability to write, not everyone has this privilege, it is a gift to be grateful for. We read the news every day and we are grateful that we live in a country that is safe and free of the war and violence that is in so many other parts of the world. On that note here are some the things that I am so very grateful for.
PEOPLE I am grateful for my family, both past and present each and every one of them will always leave an indelible footprint on my heart. I was fortunate to have been playing golf with my two daughters yesterday, what a special gift that was. My friends are also a gift for they are my companions for life and will be there for me through thick and thin as I will be there for them. Golfaround would not be what it is today if we did not have the support and appreciation from our members, I am very grateful for that. They have also brought us a lot of joy, accomplishment, pride and some memorable moments. Kind strangers can also brighten up my day when I least expect it.
HEALTH and our senses are a gift for sure. Sight allows me to appreciate the beauty we see every day; touch lets me feel the wind in my face and the touch of my loved ones; the ability to hear, even if it’s not as good as it used to be, lets me hear the trickle of rain, the voices of my family and the music of life; the sense of smell allows me to appreciate smells of a wet forest or the roses in the garden; taste allows me to savor all the things I love to eat and wine of course. I am lucky to have my health so I can still golf, walk and travel, others are not so fortunate, there but for the grace of God.
HOME is where the heart is they say and my heart resides in Canada where I enjoy freedom and safety. I enjoy experiencing other parts of the world and am grateful for that but it is always good to come home.
FAITH AND HAPPINESS my faith in God has brought us through tough times and has given us strength to overcome the obstacles of life. It has given us the gift of making dreams come true and striving to excel in what we do. Happiness is a result of all of the above and every day we realize we have many, many things to be thankful for, not just at Thanksgiving. I am sure you will be able to relate to the things I am grateful for.
And last but not least I have learned to be grateful for who I am and for what I can bring to the world I live in.
Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love, and a time to reflect on the things that matter most in life. Danielle Duckery
Happy Thanksgiving