No one can call our Beginner League golfers fair-weather golfers, well certainly not those who showed up to play at Shaganappi Valley Nine this past month. The weather in June this year has been a challenge to say the least and on this particular night the wind was gale force, the trees almost at right angles and these great gals showed up to golf. I know they wouldn’t have chosen to golf in such miserable conditions but they don’t want Golfaround to be in trouble so they went out to play. The golf course was not in the best shape, there were branches that had blown down and the sand traps were water hazards. Most of the golf courses had closed that day but for those hardy gals the show went on.
I guess we remember nights when we faced the elements, remember McKenzie Meadows the year of the flood? Funnily enough the marshall that night was a gal who used to be a member and was at McKenzie Meadows that night. Even on the most miserable of golfing days, there’s always some fun, some satisfaction, something we can learn about this fascinating game.