Where we plan your lessons is very important to us and we want you to have a positive and worthwhile experience, one you want to repeat. It should be a fun and rewarding so it is important to us that the teaching professionals meet your needs. We have worked with a number of different golf courses and teaching professionals over the last 11 years and we are very proud of our team. They are fun, energetic and passionate about teaching and I am confident you will enjoy them.
When you registered for your lessons you indicate a North/West or South location. I thought it might be helpful to understand how and why we organize them the way we do. The number of clients, where the majority live and venue availability determine where the lessons run. The number of venue choices increases as the membership grows and we have kept Edmonton at numbers we can manage at this point in time.
The teaching venues we will use this season are located in the South, South East, West, & North West. We do add or change depending on the clients needs and the teaching professionals locations. There are 5 kinds of lessons, some are a 5 week program and some 2, and some of them will run at two different locations if the numbers support this. There are lessons that over lap one another so can’t run at the same location. For example Level I Beginner is running at the same time as a Spring Tune Up so they both can’t be at Jagare Ridge.
We do try to place you where you request and hope the venue is close to where you live or work, but this isn’t always possible. We would love to be able to provide the location when you registered but we can’t until everyone has chosen their lessons and the golf courses have confirmed that they can handle them. We hope this has helped you understand how and why you lesson locations are determined.