We were recently in Palm Springs for “Spring Training” and one of our instructors helped us to improve our putting. As we now have some information on “what to buy” I thought it may be useful to know “how to putt” and wanted to share some of Patty’s notes with you.
Hand hold on putter
- Fit lifeline gap of right hand against right side of putter grip so outside of lower arm lines up with putter shaft-you can see it from the side
- Same for the left hand lifeline gap lining up with target side of putter grip
- Relaxed grip pressure
- Comfortable stance – narrow stance preferred
- Toe line parallel to ball-to-starting path line (think railroad tracks)
- Hips, shoulders, kneecaps line up parallel to ball-to-starting path line
- Eyes over ball or just inside line (toward you)
- Hands, arms hang down from shoulders
- Putter sole set flat on ground
- Think of a railroad track: ball and putter on outer rail, feet on inner rail
- Feels like a rocking motion with shoulders
- Wrists do not break or hinge during stroke…just hold on
- Lower body (knees, hips) stay quiet during stroke: this supports the shoulders- arms-hands movement in the putting stroke
- Keep face quiet during stroke to keep centered – pendulum swing
- Hold end of stroke to minimize movement
- Remember:
STOP…stop movement
LOOK…look at the back of the ball during stroke
LISTEN…listen for the ball to fall in the cup
- Work on a consistent length of stroke for a 5 foot putt
- Adjust for longer or shorter putts from here
- Develop a smooth tempo…tic-TOC
- Distance drill: putt ball to stop at the edge of the green from different distances
- DRILL: Do one handed putts with your rear hand (right hand for right-handers, etc)
- DRILL: After you get the ball rolling, watch the ball’s shadow until the ball comes to a complete stop (hopefully like you do on the golf course). Stay in your crouch.
- DRILL: Set up to putt & then shut your eyes just before you stroke it. Listen…
- Many other mental drills (misdirect your attention when not putting well)
- Look at various parts of your putter…heel, toe, back edge, front edge, topline
- Focus on a spot about 2 inches ahead of putter face or 2” behind back of putter
- Look at target (hole) during your stroke
Patty Schram
LPGA/PGA Golf Professional