It is that time of year when some of us see more bogies, pars, birdies and even eagles and we see more smiley faces on the score card than last year.
Some of our accomplishments are personal goals that we set for ourselves and they don’t necessarily have to do with how we are scoring. A couple of our beginners Susan & Louise did their first 18 holes this year, booking themselves hoping they would not be playing with a couple of grumpy old men. Needless to say they were paired with two women and were quite relieved. As the round progresses they learn that these two ladies belong to Golfaround; Oh what a relief. They enjoyed themselves and a little bird told me they did very well.
For some they had to get over the fear of getting out there and it is always nice to hear them say, “I am just loving it, it is so comfortable, the people are so nice this is the best day of the week for me.”
Ann Brown an Edmonton member thought she was going to witness her 1st hole in one at the Stony Plain Golf Course, Debbie Chambers plants one next to flag on the green Hole #5. It is OK to toot your own horn Debbie and maybe have a little birdie juice too.
Donna Jones an Edmonton Day League member was very excited to report her 1st “Eagle” and not one you see in the trees Mary. She achieved this feat on the 9th hole at Lewis Estates Golf Club which is a 415 yd Par 5. Congrats Donna.
At Countryside Golf course Anita, Lynn & Diane had the 6th hole surrounded and looking at a 15 foot putts; three putt territory they all agree. Each and everyone one of them sunk their putt, the cheers getting louder with each success. Great job ladies. Remember Drive for Show, Putt for Dough.
Susan Benko a Calgary member, her 1st year in the intermediate league gets her 1st birdie at Springbank Links a toughy but a goodie. She did have one in the Beginner league last year on a Par 3, & over the water. Wahoo!
Cheryl Inkster’s MOB’s happened at Lynx Ridge – birdie on hole 3 & Elbow Springs (Springs) – birdie on hole 9
Donna Gray member of the Day League is over the moon as she breaks 90 for the 1st time shooting an 88 at Murfield Lakes and Nancy Daniels breaks a 100 for the first time. Great job ladies!!!
Sad to say that will be all the MOB’s for this season. See you all next year ladies.