There was a great turnout for the last game for the Beginner League at Crystal Ridge Golf Course, so a scramble was planned to end the season with some fun. It was a beautiful night and we saw so many deer, Mom and Dad and their fawns, it was great, the starter informed us that they had had many does, fawns and also a couple of bucks that we did not see. Half way through our round we heard much whooping and hollering and thought someone must have got a birdie or something, but guess what they were having the time of their lives riding in the cart enjoying the roller coaster ride, with their hands in the air. Throughout the rounds there were many “member rebates” where the ball entered the sand, jumped out, hit a rock and ended up on the fairway, how sweet is that? then there was Kerry’s chip-in for a birdie, so exciting, their team name was Crazy Birds. The scores were all very close and I think some of the team players may not be Beginners, they are playing a very good game for sure.
The winning teem BKMN came in with a 38 and the Chicks were close behind at 39. The restaurant staff were good enough to stay open for us so we were able to indulge in some beverages and great food following our round.
It was a great way to end a great season. We did try to have a Golfaround Wind-up but unfortunately we were unable to nail down a venue to do it this season, next year we will be able to plan this earlier and have a better result.